
Water Wars: Enduring Myth or Impending Reality?

“The contributions by Professor Anton du Plessis, firmly grounds the water and security nexus within the wider debates of International Relations theory. The subject matter was approached historically and Richard Meissner’s excellent study on the hydropolitics of the Kunene River does very well in correcting this point. The Kunene River is shared by Namibia and Angola, and his discussion falls within the context of the evolving international relations between these two countries. It was also felt that whilst the focus is on Southern Africa, it is imperative to learn how our brothers and sisters in other parts of the continent are coping with the same problem. Hence, the inclusion of Marie-Thérèse Sarch’s paper on Lake Chad, which we felt would lend a comparative perspective to the study. Finally, an urgent need was expressed for a structured framework for future research within a regional context. This is discussed in Anthony Turton’s concluding chapter.”