
Understanding what is Hapening in ICT in Mozambique: A Supply-and Demand-side Analysis of the ICT Sector

The growth of the ICT sector in Mozambique is driven by the economic development trends that characterise the country today, with special emphasis on so-called “mega-projects” and the exploitation of the newly discovered mineral and energy resources. The demand for telecommunications services has been growing rapidly, both at the corporate and individual levels. This situation offers excellent business opportunities for telecommunications operators in terms
of both network infrastructure development and service deployment in the regions of the country that have been poorly served in the past. Mozambique’s telecommunications market is changing very quickly. While the fixed segment remains, in real terms, a monopoly of the incumbent Telecomunicações de Moçambique (TDM), the mobile sector has become very dynamic since the new player Movitel entered the market. The ICT Policy (Politica de Informática) is 12 years old and needs to be reviewed in order to align national priorities with the new developments in the ICT sector and other global trends. The Instituto Nacional de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (INTIC, the National ICT Institute) has yet to organise the necessary policy review process, despite the fact that the matter has been repeatedly mentioned as one of its priorities. Following global trends, internet access in Mozambique is shifting from PC to mobile connections. This is the result of technological advances enabling the provision of cheaper mobile handsets and other mobile devices that run internet
applications, coupled with improved operator access to international bandwidth.