
Trade in genetically modified foods: Decoding Southern African Regulatory approaches

“The central theme of this book is the assertion that despite potential risks
agricultural biotechnology can be
effectively harnessed to ensure food security and general economic prosperity
in Southern Africa. Rautenbach’s chapter exposes the gravity of the challenges to agricultural production posed by adverse climate changes in Africa and Southern Africa.Webster, Keetch and Guthrie’s chapter introduces agricultural biotechnology
and provides an overview of its current status across the globe, tracing the
evolution of this technology and highlighting its major benefits and potential
risks. Halleson examines the potential socio-economic implications of the positions
Africa takes on biotechnology trade issues both at regional and international levels, and how they could impact on general biotechnology uptake on this continent. Feris assesses the potential impacts of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)Dispute Settlement Panel’s recent judgement in the case between the US and the European Community. Naphambo’s chapter looks at the potential trade implications of the GMO regulatory measures being pursued under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, which came into force in 2003. Grant looks at the possible effects of any new WTO disciplines on food aid for Southern Africa’s food security situation. Khumalo’s chapter provides the results of a survey to determine perceptions of and attitudes towards biotechnology.”