
The Treaty of Pelindaba Towards the Full Implementation of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty

“This guide briefly outlines the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of
Pelindaba) and describes the procedures that most African States need to follow in order
to ratify or accede to this treaty and to implement its provisions. The Guide also provides an update of developments in the implementation of the treaty as a whole since its entry into-force in July 2009 and since the publication of “A Brief Guide to the Pelindaba Treaty: Towards Entry-Into-Force of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty”,ISS,October 2008 by Noël Stott, Amelia Du Rand And Jean Du Preez, & “The Treaty of Pelindaba: Beyond Entry-Into-Force of the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty”,ISS, March 2010, also by Noël Stott, Amelia Du Rand & Jean Du Preez.”