Briefing Paper

The Social Dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development

“The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) was established in 2001 as the socioeconomic programme for Africa to address the challenges of continued marginalisation of Africa in the global political economy. Its primary objectives are the eradication of poverty and the promotion of socio-economic development. To this end, NEPAD Action Plans were drafted, outlining specific focal areas and programmes necessary to meet NEPAD objectives. In summary, the Action Plans are in three parts: the first addresses the political and economic preconditions for the NEPAD programme to work; the second outlines ‘sectoral’ priority areas that need
intervention; and the third focuses on resource mobilisation to support the implementation of NEPAD projects. This paper maintains that NEPAD does provide a framework for social policy interventions in Africa. It argues that these social aspects of NEPAD are generally neglected in discussions about NEPAD as a socio-economic programme for Africa because NEPAD officials, being primarily economists, have been more successful in selling its economic
messages than its social initiatives. The social dimensions of NEPAD are not as explicit as the economic and political facets outlined in the Action Plans.”