
The Impact of Small Arms in Tanzania Results of a Country Survey

“The first section of the report comprises the introduction. It outlines the purpose of the survey, as well as methodological considerations such as the sample demographics, research assumptions and data
consideration. The second section of the report covers indicators of the social environment, focusing particularly on community structures, cohesion and interaction. The third section of the report focuses on economic indicators. Of the indicators measured in this section, these are divided into those that measure the current financial standing of the household, those that provide an indication of the financial situation to come and those that provide a picture of the past financial situation. The fourth section of the report considers indicators of firearm proliferation (such as the frequency of
hearing gunshots, the frequency of firearms being used in crime and the extent to which respondents are exposed to violent crimes involving firearms), shifts in the number of firearms in the area, the extent of firearm ownership and potential firearm ownership, as well as the extent of concern about the problem of firearms and the fear of injury.”