
The Growth Agenda Priorities for Mass Employment and Inclusion: Business and Government

“The dysfunctional relationship between business and government is a key
reason why the South African economy is in trouble. This document offers an analysis of this failing relationship. Its principal messages are:
• A solid business-government relationship is essential for faster growth and mass employment.
• South Africa cannot hope to achieve growth and mass employment with
a government that is anti-business.
• Companies and business organisations need to reassess their role in South Africa and their own contribution to the flawed relationship with government.
• The silence of business leaders and their organisations is not a good
strategy for a country in trouble, with a racially discriminatory history.
This report will first deal with business and then government in our analysis of
what is going wrong. It will conclude with recommendations for both parties
on how best to start building the better working relationship that is so vital to
growth and employment.”