
Stock Theft and Human Security A Case Study of Lesotho

“Stock theft has become a national crisis in Lesotho. According to the National Livestock Development Study Phase 1 report of March 1999, stock theft has reached epidemic proportions throughout Lesotho and appears to
be escalating. Stock theft presents a challenge to the consolidation of the
fragile democracy in the Kingdom of Lesotho as it impoverishes people and causes conflicts within and between villages that in turn threaten stability. The purpose of the study was to examine the perceptions and extent of the problem and its impacts on livelihoods through an evaluation of current strategies that inform policy and to provide recommendations for enhancing existing policies, practices and strategies. The rationale of the study is to inform policymakers and implementers on appropriate strategies to manage stock theft. The outcome will be useful in designing mechanisms and systems for stock theft interventions and in monitoring and evaluating them. These interventions will be at community level, in the justice and policing services and in management.”