
Social Protection : What about Young People not in Employment, nor in Education, nor in Training ?

The paper assesses the phenomenon of NEET, it identified the key factors that drive the probability to belong to this category and explore targeting measures. In fact, due to the low vote of youth employment and the precariousness of their status in the labor market over the past years, an increasing interest for the analysis of the worrying situation of this category of young people who are neither in education, employment or training (NEET) is arising. A binomial model, which is based on the Senegalese household data, is used to identify the key determinants of NEET status. The results show that about 4 out of every 10 young people are under the NEET status. The key factors which significantly effect the probability to belong to the NEET’s category are the existence of a physical and mental ability of a young person, living in rural areas, and being the head of a household activity. In order to reduce the proportion of young NEET persons among the population, high labour intensive programs are established and therefore NEET persons are targeted.