Conference Paper/Report

Smash the Glass Redefining Approaches to Ending Impunity for Sexual and Gender Based Violence

The rich discussions, debates and case studies that emerged from the conference were captured in this report. Given the diversity and the use of a range of media – it is hoped that the insight into the conversations and commitments that occurred during the conference can be gleaned. The demand to reflect on new ways of approaching interventions and debates on state accountability has become more urgent today. For the feminist movement in particular and the women’s movement in general, recent political events require effective strategies to seize these opportunities. The second Pan African conference on ending impunity for sexual and gender based violence was held in this light. As a follow up to the successful convening in July 2008, this stocktaking forum once again brought together a smaller group of representatives of civil society organisations, regional parliaments, regional blocs, women’s rights activists and scholars with a focus on security sector governance and transitional justice as key areas of consideration.