Research/academic paper

Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa’s Regional Integration: From Rhetoric to Practice

“This study has reviewed national and regional STI policies, programmes and priorities of African countries in general and 19 Sub Saharan countries in particular. Emphasis was placed on the strengths and features of national systems of innovation as well as efforts to develop regional STI cooperation in EAC, SADC and other regional bodies. The study shows that there are efforts by many countries in Africa to strengthen their systems of innovation. This is manifested in the high number of countries that are designing new policies, reforming their education systems, establishing institutions or instruments for funding R&D and creating new institutions. We have recommended activities and actions that are required in order to strengthen national and regional systems of innovation and generally improve the technological performance of African countries. If taken on and effectively implemented, the strategic interventions proposed can go a
long way in fostering STI in national and regional development of African states.”