
SAIIA Newsletter vol. 6, no. 1, 1974

The first article is the report of the National Chairman, Dr. Leif Egeland,
to the Biennial Meeting of the National Executive Council on 14 March 1974. Henry Olivier’s article describes the significance of Cabora Bassa for Southern Africa. Its short-term objective is the export of electrical energy to South Africa, but it also has long-term direct and indirect benefits and will play an important role in the regional development of Southern Africa.John Seller’s article describes the author’s visits to Dar and Lusaka, and discusses contrast and similarities between the two cities, focusing on their perception of South Africa, and concludes that Zambia appears more apprehensive about South Africa than Tanzania.David Hirschmann’s article describes the pressures of African states on apartheid. The brief reports deal with American views of the United Nations peace-keeping role, the Conference of Oil Consumer Countries, United States foreign policy, and British firms in South Africa .