
Report on Media and Engagement Strategy on SADC Regional Integration

The effective use of the media in regional integration can help inform, empower and persuade citizens to actively participate in the integration agenda as well as foster public debate and policy change in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). This Media and Engagement Strategy on SADC Regional Integration, therefore, aims to complement the SADC Communication and Promotional Strategy (SCPS) in defining concrete action plans to enable stakeholders such as policymakers and non-state actors to meritoriously communicate the benefits, opportunities and challenges of belonging to a regional community in southern Africa. In this regard, this Strategy is designed to help SADC achieve its longstanding vision of a United, Integrated and Prosperous region by adopting new and innovative communications strategies in the past, present and the future. The Strategy thus strives to highlight how effective communications can: Ensure SADC citizens understand and appreciate regional integration efforts; change behaviour and increase grassroots support for advancing regional integration; and facilitate two-way and constructive dialogue on enhancing regional integration in SADC.