
Regional Seminar for the Prevention of Violent Extremism in Central Africa and the Lake Chad Basin

Violent extremism has numerous causes and takes several forms. If this global and multidimensional nature helps to avoid confusions related to assimilating extremism to violence, extremist violence to terrorism and terrorism to a religion (Islam or Muslims), it above all has the advantage of situating prevention above the prism of « all-englobing security »,which drastically reduces the prevention component in violent extremism.Prevention is a set of measures taken to prevent the occurrence of certain risks. It seeks to address the structural causes and aggravating factors which engender violent
extremism. Violence prevention requires an understanding of the drivers and goals involved. In this regard, research on the subject is still very scanty and would need serious encouragement. This point was discussed at length by participants, who also underscored the importance of conducting surveys on the basis of clear empirical data and understanding violent extremism from the standpoint of actors who practice it. It is the indispensible bedrock for the formulation of policies with proven adaptability.