
Publish What you Pay : Position Paper on Key Mining Reforms in Zimbabwe

The compilation of this position paper is based on submissions that were made by some of the organisations that form the PWYP Zimbabwe Coalition following a resolution from the 2015 AGM. The submissions sought to summarize some of the critical issues to form this position paper on key mining reforms in Zimbabwe. The first submission is entitled: Transparency and accountability key in mineral resource governance. This section engages policy and legal instruments governing the management of mineral resources in Zimbabwe. It examines governance deficits within the existing policies governing the mineral resources sector. The section draws from internal lessons from international polices and instruments. Key recommendations are proffered for policy and legislative reforms. The next submission is entitled: Aspirations on the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill [Chapter 21:05]: Key lessons from the African Mining Vision and Southern African Resource Barometer. This paper outlines some aspirations towards the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill. These aspirations are grounded in the progressive provisions in the Constitution on public participation. Section 194 of the Constitution is pertinent as it states that the public must participate in policy formulation. Section 13 of the Constitution is on National Development and it states that all development measures must involve the people. These sections propel civil society to be proactive in influencing policy discourse and this paper is one such way of revealing core issues which civil society and the general public feel must be addressed by the Mines and Minerals Act. The next submission: Reforms to Promote Gender and Women’s Involvement and Broad Based Development. The focus of this section shall be on women’s participation in the A&SM sector since more women participate in this sector as opposed to the formal mining sector. Policy recommendations on how the participation of women should contribute towards broad based sustainable development in this sector will be discussed. The next submission: The Need for Sustainability Reporting and Disclosure By Extractive Companies. Sustainability reporting and disclosure by mining companies on economic, social and governance (ESG) issues has arisen to be an essential consideration for promoting transparency and accountability within the extractive sector. Capacity building for civil society organisation, government organisation and other essential stakeholders within the Extractive sector transparency initiative will initiate or ignite effective campaigns around ESG issues. Further submissions are as follows: Enhancing Relations Between Companies and Communities. Why Domestic Resources Mobilisation (DRM) in Zimbabwe and Community Participation in mineral resource governance.