Occasional Paper

Peacebuilding coordination in African countries: Transitioning from conflict : case studies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia and South Sudan

“This Occasional Paper addresses some strategic, operational and tactical
elements of peacebuilding experiences in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Liberia and South Sudan. The evaluations conducted in the DRC, Liberia and Sudan highlighted the need for enhanced coordination among external actors
such as donor governments, peacekeeping missions, United Nations Country
Teams (UNCTs) and international non-governmental organisations (INGOs);
among internal actors such as governments, local administrations and civil society; and along the internal–external nexus. Without enhanced and deepened levels of coordination, peacebuilding activities will overlap, duplicate, and have limited impact upon the conflict systems they are attempting to transform. The research further found that peacebuilding coordination along the political,
security, human rights, humanitarian, rule of law (RoL) and development dimensions in the countries studied, remained largely ad hoc. Sustainable peace processes can be undermined if peacebuilding mechanisms do not develop the capacity of, and give ownership to, local agents. While this study found that much progress has been made toward the coordination of peacebuilding, internal actors were not the drivers or owners of their own national peacebuilding frameworks. The field studies shed light on a general need forcapacity development among local actors to engage in, and take full ownership of, peacebuilding efforts.”