Occasional Paper

Nigeria and the BRICs: Diplomatic, Trade, Cultural and Military Relations

“The paper explores the relationship between the BRICs and Nigeria, undoubtedly one
of Africa’s key countries and one that is also an aspiring member of the expanded BRICs. It considers the relationship in the areas of economic relations, diplomatic contacts, cultural and social dealings, and military collaborations. The paper also looks at the links between Nigeria and the BRICs on the crucial subject of oil, Nigeria’s primary natural resource, and
the complex politics that surround the exchange of oil for development. It concludes that despite the efforts to portray a smooth relationship between Nigeria and the BRICs, there
have been areas of difficulties. Occasional hiccups still exist between Nigeria and the
BRICs, and among the BRICs themselves in their bid to gain the upper hand in the Nigerian market. However, in the long term all parties are confident of the continuing development of mutually beneficial relations.”