
Mozambique: A lasting peace?

“Mozambique is perhaps the most successful state in the region in terms of its
recent economic progress.Yet as one makes one’s way from the airport to downtown Maputo, one is immediately struck by the image of two opposed worlds collapsed into one. It is characterised by streets whose
pavements are crowded with informal traders and whose empty spaces are invaded by shanty-towns, while in the background lurk the palatial villas of businessmen, donor agencies, international governmental organisations and government officials. Mozambique remains critical to the continuing development of the SADC
region from another perspective. Leaders and policymakers within SADC are fully aware that the long-term maintenance of political stability in the country is crucial not only for the sake of the Mozambican state and the welfare of its citizens, but also in terms of regional stability.Yet two critical questions arise at this juncture. These are: Can Mozambique’s fragile post-war reconstruction continue? And, is Mozambique truly a success story in terms of its transition to a post-conflict society?”