
Monitoring of Local Government Budgets and Road Transport Services in Quarter II FY 2019/20

This report presents findings of the Budget and Service Delivery Monitoring Exercise
(BSDME) carried out in 26 districts where the Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) operates . The exercise was undertaken by ACODE and its
partners. Budget and service delivery monitoring is part of ACODE’s role under the Budget
Transparency Initiative (BTI). The Initiative is a partnership between Ministry of Finance
Planning and Economic Development (MFPED), ACODE, the Budget Strengthening
Initiative of the Overseas Development Institute (BSI-ODI) and the Civil Society Budget
Advocacy Group. The main objective of the BTI is to promote budget transparency and
accountability in Uganda through the dissemination of budget information to citizens
and soliciting feedback on the use of public resources. The BSDME largely focuses on
three basic aspects, namely, the display of information on transfers at service delivery
units, payroll & pensions, timeliness in receipt of funds, and quality of services including
challenges. This round of BSDME specifically focuses on the quality of district and
community roads that make up the largest proportion of Uganda’s road network. The
exercise sought to assess the quality of these roads, the capacity of districts to undertake
road maintenance, and the challenges they face.