Working Paper

Making Governance Work for Water–Energy–Food Nexus Approaches

The concept of the water–energy–food (WEF) nexus has become widely used to help understand
interdependencies among the three systems, and how they can be managed sustainably to meet
growing demand. The WEF nexus has especially been advocated to address conflicts among the
sectors. However, governance in the WEF nexus has not received much attention in the literature,
particularly the institutions and politics governing the WEF sectors. This paper synthesises findings
from CDKN-supported research that has sought to improve understanding of how governance
affects the effectiveness of nexus approaches – that is, approaches that understand the links
between sectors, recognise these in decision-making and promote integrated policy-making. The
paper draws from findings in Indonesia and Kenya to show that the effectiveness of the horizontal
(cross-sectoral) and vertical (between levels of government) coordination that is essential for
a nexus approach is determined by institutional relationships, which can be influenced by
political economy factors. The capacity of governing organisations to understand nexus links
and to collaborate with each other is also critical. The paper suggests that aiming for the ideal
of comprehensiveness and integration in a nexus approach may be costly and impractical.
Nevertheless, horizontal and vertical coordination are essential. Local-level decision-making will
determine how trade-offs and synergies in the WEF nexus are implemented. The capacities of
local government organisations and decision-makers need to be strengthened to enhance their
capacity to adopt nexus approaches and coordinate vertically.