
Mainstreaming Managing for Development Results: Where do we Start? Lessons from Tanzania

Managing for Development Results (MfDR) is a management strategy that focuses on using
performance information to improve decision making. MfDR involves using practical tools for
strategic planning, risk management, progress monitoring, and outcome evaluation. It requires
leadership to set and achieve goals, to shape a shared vision, and to improve government
performance. This case study focuses on Rwanda’s experience, drawing on desk review and work
experience. Strong support from both the top and lower leadership levels is necessary to ensure that MfDR implementation is steady and sustainable. MfDR reforms must be prioritized by the state and must complement existing initiatives, strategies, and national development plans, as in Tanzania.
Building the capacity of institutions and human resources for MfDR is critical and African capacity building institutions should help in providing training and access to operational capacity and business systems, empowering leaders to test new approaches that can enhance MfDR in their organizations.