
Investing £24,000 in Flood Forecasting Systems in the Limpopo River Basin Saves £140,000 per Annum in Flood Damage: Data sharing and Early Warning Flood Forecasting in the Limpopo River Basin

In the transboundary Limpopo River Basin, the riparian states of Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa
and Zimbabwe can now share real-time water-level and flow gauge data. Fed into a hydraulic model of the Limpopo River, the shared data can predict flood flows. Such forecasts will enable authorities to issue early warnings to over 1.5 million people, sometimes up to seven days in advance. A public–private partnership involving members of the Limpopo River Commission Flood Task Team and companies in Mozambique’s agricultural sector will be able to deliver benefits to all parties in flood-prone areas of the Basin.