Conference Paper/Report

Internalising Mitigation Activities into the Development Priorities and Approaches of Developing Countries Proceedings of the Forum on Development and Mitigation

This paper comprises several documents which was compiled for the Development and Mitigation Forum. A review of sustainable development assessment literature that could be applied to NAMAs discusses the theoretical considerations on sustainability assessments. Mainstreaming development imperatives into NAMAs: An approach offers a structured approach to decision making on climate negotiations, technology transfer, capacity building and measuring, reporting and verification. Electric vehicle scenarios for India: Implications for development and mitigation is looking at the use of electric vehicles and how this mode of transportation can influence energy usage and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Visionary development of India by 2050 – What will be the implications for carbon emissions? is analysing the implications of development on GDP growth, expenditure and resulting emissions from a climate change viewpoint. Supporting Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions through the Green Climate Fund: Governance capacities and challenges identifies governance challenges and analysis the capacity of the GCF board to deal with this. Whither multilateralism? Implications of bilateral NAMA finance for development and sovereignty concerns of developing countries examins the recent developments related to finance for nationally appropriate mitigation actions. The socio-economic implications of renewable energy and low-carbon trajectories in South Africa evaluates the potential implication of mitigation actions for economic growth, emissions employment and inequality in South Africa. Energy poverty and climate change mitigation in Ghana: An economic assessment assesses climate change induced energy behaviour of households in Ghana as well as climate change induced welfare change for household in a low carbon development scenario. Visualising development impact: Experiences from country case studies discusses the application of the DIA visual through 3 country case studies in Ghana, Kenya and Montenegro.