
Horn of Africa Bulletin Vol 25 No.4 July-August 2013

In ‘Somali refugees in state of limbo’ regional peace and security continues to be a challenge in the Horn of Africa as a result of conflicts in Somalia, Sudan and parts of Northern Uganda. The current and past civil wars in the region have had an adverse impact on human security in the region creating massive human displacement. ‘Post-conflict reconstruction policy framework for Somalia’ aims to conceptualise post-conflict reconstruction. It will discuss the necessary preconditions, the notion of post-conflict reconstruction system as well as the various phases and dimensions by providing a mixed menu of options. In ‘Locating the space, role and relevance of District Peace Committees in the wake of the establishment of County Policing Authorities in Kenya’ what initially started as an informal structure composed of elders (representation of traditional governance institutions), civil society, religious leaders and government officials in pastoralists Wajir County has since been replicated in the whole country. It is a local community owned peace building process that recognizes and appreciates the role of the community, indigenous knowledge and expertise in conflict management and peace building.