Eurafrique? Africa and Europe in a New Century

The Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), Cape Town, South Africa, and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) office in Maputo, Mozambique, held a policy advisory group meeting in Cape Town on 31 October and 1 November 2007 on the theme, “EurAfrique? Africa and Europe in a New Century”.
The aim of the seminar was to examine the relationship between Africa and Europe in the 21st Century. The meeting explored three key issues: first, the unfolding economic relationship (trade, aid and debt) between the two continents; second, peacekeeping and military co-operation; and third,
migration. Led by these three thematic areas, the policy advisory group discussed and debated the context of the Africa-Europe relationship in detail. The perspectives included in this policy brief emerged from the diverse views expressed at the seminar, as well as from additional research, but do not necessarily represent a consensus position by the group.