
Enhancing Agricultural Yields by Small-holder Farmers through Integrated Climate Change Adaptation in Sierra Leone

“The present trend of climate change impact is especially affecting poorer communities, particularly small-holder farmers, in developing countries. While small holder farmers play an important role in spurring economic growth of a country, they lack the coping capacity to tackle the most impacting and quite expensive-to-solve climate change problems. This has high negative repercussions on developing countries like Sierra Leone. The findings revealed quite interesting, but thrilling issues that need the attention of the government
and its partners. It was realized that small-holder farmers are already moving from an apriori situation to building a culture on an already observable changed climate. According to them, phenomenal changes in rainfall, temperature and cold are already taking place in an uneven and
erratic manner in the past two to three years. Various indigenous predictions that no longer work well as a result of the changing climate were acknowledged by farmers. Thus they have often missed their locally predicted start-of-farming and start-of-seasons dates. This had reportedly resulted to crop failures, pest and disease proliferation and extreme hunger.”