Briefing Paper

Election Talk A fortnightly policy brief from the EISA No 10 1 March 2004

This policy brief comprises several articles written by 4 different authors. Dr Sebudubudu’s article is about the 2004 Botswana election campaign process. He discussed the new electoral system, the main players i.e the political parties and the various campaign strategies. Dr Kanyongolo discussed the Malawi courts and their significant roles played in political processes. The courts have been called upon to review decisions of the police banning public meetings of opposition parties and biased coverage of the campaign by the state-controlled electronic media. Christiaan Keulder wrote about the Dominant Party System in Namibia. He also discussed the voter turnout, election results and the re-ethnification of Opposition Parties. Chachiua discussed the use of state resources and post election battles in Beira.