
EISA Annual Report 2007

“In 2007 the Local Governance programme has focused on deepening participatory democracy at the local level, working with civil society organisations with close ties to communities, and has helped civic groups to successfully advocate for reforms. EISA has been developing training materials for its use countrywide, on behalf of the South African Department of Provincial and Local Government (dplg), the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), with the financial support of GTZ. In collaboration with the dplg, the programme’s scope is gradually extending beyond South Africa, with a specific focus on the DRC in support of the bilateral agreement between the governments of South Africa and DRC in the area of provincial and local government.
In 2007 EISA’s political party programme
focused on the consolidation of political parties’ capacity. This has been done through incountry dialogue and training workshops. The programme was implemented in Botswana, Swaziland and the Sudan.”