Briefing Paper

Congo: Staying Engaged after the Elections

On 6 December 2006, Joseph Kabila was sworn in as
the first democratically elected president since
Congolese independence, concluding a landmark
electoral process largely devoid of major violence or
gross irregularities. Democratic governance is now
expected to support peacebuilding and reconstruction.
The new government has weak and barely functioning
institutions, however, and the international community,
which has given decisive support to the peace process,
must continue to help it overcome serious security
and political challenges. Immediate agenda items
include to set up promptly a new structure to coordinate
aid efforts, renew the United Nations Mission
(MONUC) with a strong mandate and increase efforts to
improve security throughout the country.

This briefing focuses on two significant and related pending decisions: the MONUC mandate renewal, which comes up in February, and the establishment of new international structures to support the peace process following dissolution of the Kinshasa-based International Committee for Supporting the Transition (CIAT).