Meeting Summary/Report

Concept Note: Development Finance and the Post 2015 Framework

The post 2015 framework gave rise to many interesting and encouraging consultations in many parts of Africa. Important lessons in these consultations are being drawn from the successes and shortcomings of the MDGs both in terms of process and content. The contribution of the lessons learnt improves the process and content of the post 2015 framework. While the jury is out on a conclusive assessment of the immediate and long term impact of the MDGs on global poverty eradication, a consensus is discernible that the Post 2015 framework can’t just be an extension of the MDGs with regards to its content and implementation as well as on the differentiated responsibilities of stake holders and their respective accountability. In terms of process, a simple look at the origins of the MDGs amply shows that it was essentially donor-driven. The MDGs were largely drawn from list of International Development Goals included in the OECD DAC 1996 report entitled “Shaping the 21st Century: The Contribution of Development Co-operation. It was this list which later mutated into the MDGs in collaboration with the UN and the World Bank. It is important to note that MDG 8 was not included in this precursor to the MDGs.