
China‐Nigeria Economic Relations

“Although Sino-Nigeria relationship dates back to more than three decades, recent developments call for a careful and detailed analysis of this relationship and to this end, we seek to provide analysis of the relationship with respect to investment, trade and aid: To what extent is China different from other exploitative practices? What lessons can we learn from the past in order to make the blossoming relationship produce win-win outcome?In order to put the study in its proper perspective, Section II examines the cooperation arrangements between Nigeria and China with specific focus on the diplomatic tie, technical
assistance, scientific cooperation, economic cooperation and cultural cooperation. Section III presents an overview of investment relations with a view to determining its size, composition and
significance. Section IV is on trade relations. Export and import structures as well as the bilateral balance of trade are examined. Section V is an attempt at presenting information on aid flow from
China to Nigeria and Section VI concludes the report by revisiting the questions raised above.”