Briefing Paper

Boosting Youth Employment Prospects Tanzania

“Despite economic growth, and modest progress in tackling poverty, some 43 percent of Tanzania’s people still
survive on less than US $1.25/day. Half of Tanzanians today are under the age of 15, and with the population increasing
by 2.7 percent each year, the country faces a youth bulge, and must find ways to ease this new generation into a labour
market that currently offers too few prospects. While heavily dependent on agriculture like many of its African neighbours, Tanzania has seen recent growth fueled by emerging sectors such as telecommunications and financial
services. However, growth is not keeping pace with the number and quality of jobs needed for the country’s large and growing youth population. As well, due to gaps in education, skills, and experience, Tanzanian youth are failing to find
a foothold in this new economy. They remain trapped largely in informal work and low-skilled jobs in agriculture.”