
Beyond the ‘War on Terror’ A Study of Criminal Justice Responses to Terrorism in the Maghreb

“This study, although preliminary and exploratory in nature, considers the criminal justice measures taken by the governments of Algeria,Morocco and Tunisia to meet their international counter-terrorism obligations. These Maghreb countries have more counter-terrorism experience than most other African countries. Research-driven policy and legal reform is needed to ensure appropriate, proactive and preventative counter-terrorism action in Africa. The global counter-terrorism effort is premised upon national-level lawful actions to prevent and prosecute terrorist activity. Although counter-terrorism strategies are complex and multidimensional, this study considers one significant element: a preventative,criminal justice-based response. The overall objective of the universal counterterrorism
scheme informing this approach is to harmonise all national laws to create a seamless web of preventative, punitive and international cooperative Institute for Security Studies Beyond the ‘War on Terror’
legal measures. The criminal justice system can be a primary resource in wider counter-terrorism strategies.The various merits and features of a criminal justice approach are considered in this monograph, as background to an assessment of the three countries,
which has been undertaken using open-source materials. The focus is on justice systems as a mechanism for bringing terrorists and their supporters to formal justice by prosecuting or otherwise lawfully disrupting their conduct before it culminates in an overt, violent ‘terrorist act’.”