
Attaining to Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS in Food Insecure Settings in Sub-Saharan Africa

This report is a combination of rapid assessments conducted in 4 countries (Ethiopia, Burundi, Mozambique and Uganda) on “A status analysis on community vulnerability to the effects of HIV and AIDS in food insecure settings”. ACORD undertook an investigation on the Food Insecurity and HIV & AIDS Nexus with the aim of among other objectives; providing information for engaging the food sovereignty advocacy agenda at community, national, Pan African and global levels on the food & nutrition security imperatives and treatment needs of the affected populations. This mandate lies in one of the ACORD thematic priority area of HIV and AIDS. Developing comprehensive interventions that address the nexus between HIV and AIDS and food insecurity remains a key challenge in the race to fulfill the millennium development goals and hence the assessments in the selected countries. Individual consultants were contracted to undertake country specific research on vulnerability to HIV and AIDS in food insecure settings targeting pastoralist, small holder agriculture and post conflict communities in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Burundi and Uganda. The findings from the different countries were compared and contrasted in order to arrive at findings, conclusions and recommendations which represent the Pan-African situation.