
Analysis of Existing Institutional Arrangements and the Policy Environment for Managing Risk for Crop Production and Post-harvest Handling in Madagascar

Agriculture forms the livelihood of the overwhelming majority of Malagasy. The main staple crop is rice, occupying about two-thirds of all the available cropland. Malagasy agriculture is dependent mainly on small-scale subsistence farmers cultivating less than one hectare of land. The agricultural sector is now in crisis with decreased crop production due to a number of factors. These include a major locust infestation and the effects of repeated cyclones. Floods and droughts have exacerbated the socio-economic effects of the political crisis that lasted for five years. Together, these devastating and simultaneous events have resulted in damage to infrastructure and destroyed livelihoods in this predominantly rural country. However, post-harvest activities are also not well developed by smallholder farmers and they are not aware of post-harvest losses (PHLs) during handling activities and storage. This report discusses the existing policies, strategies and acts related to managing risks to crop production and post-harvest handling. / L’agriculture est la principale source de revenus de la majorité des Malgaches. Le riz constitue la principale culture de base, occupant environ les deux tiers de l’ensemble des terres cultivables. L’agriculture malgache repose essentiellement sur une culture de subsistance à petite échelle occupant moins d’un hectare de terre. Le secteur agricole est en crise, dans la mesure où la production est en baisse, à cause de nombreux facteurs. Ces facteurs comprennent l’infestation acridienne, les effets des cyclones récurrents, les inondations et les sécheresses ; la crise politique de 2009 qui a duré pendant cinq ans a empiré la situation socio-économique.