Working Paper

Aligning Energy Development and Climate Objectives in Nationally Determined Contributions

The study objective was to review examples of what might be called good practice in the way energy related greenhouse gas emissions have been addressed by NDCs, and examples of NDCs that appear to be at odds with the ambition to reduce such energy emissions. To address these questions, the authors reviewed the objectives of the NDCs and national energy plans of four countries. They also reviewed the process followed by each country in preparing their NDC, to understand the extent to which energy plans and policies are reflected in the NDC, and whether this affected the level of ambition to reduce energy emissions. The countries included in the study were purposely selected to illustrate the effect that good practice in NDC formulation can have on the ambition of energy emissions reduction objectives. Ethiopia and Peru were identified as examples of good practice, and Bangladesh and Ghana as examples of countries that could strengthen their ambition for energy-related emissions in revision of their NDCs. The selected countries have had significant CDKN support for policy design in climate compatible development.