
Accountability and Performance of Government Agencies in the Delivery of Water, Education and Road Services in Nigeria

“Public service delivery in Nigeria is bedevilled with governance crisis especially in the education, water and road sectors in spite of alternative channels being developed to deliver
services for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs. Have the alternative channels being employed proved to be effective and better channels of service delivery? Have the service delivery systems been accountable and participatory? What factors account for the emerging performance? What are the effects of the governance mechanisms on outcome in the various sectors? In unravelling these issues it was
hypothesized that accountability and participation in service delivery have significant effects on output, that these governance indicators are significantly influenced by the socioeconomic
characteristics of the beneficiaries and channels of service delivery and that
performance of service delivery is significantly affected by geographical location and regional characteristics. The study made use of secondary data obtained from relevant agencies in Abuja and the 12 states covered as well as primary data obtained from an extensive survey
of facilities and beneficiaries. In what follows we present the summary of the results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data.”