Research/academic paper

A Critical Assessment of Aid Management and Donor Harmonisation: The Case of Cameroon

“The aid harmonization process in Cameroon had a good start, even though it is subject to serious constraints linked to the weaknesses of the country’s strategies and institutions, which hinder the alignment on priorities, and national systems. But these constraints are also strongly linked to the reticence of some financial backers to reduce their freedom of action by inserting themselves into harmonization process. The harmonization of procedures also requires strong political will and a higher degree of decentralization in the decision-making process from higher authority at the top to cooperative agencies in the field. In sum, it may be asserted that, in the case of Cameroon, the public authorities and donors have done their best to lay the foundations for a new partnership on aid effectiveness, and that cooperation between the government and donors has witnessed significant development. In fact, a diagnosis has been made, and the overall and sectoral institutional framework is being progressively put in place. The country therefore advances in the implementation of the Paris Declaration. All these actions testify in favour of the existence of a healthy and effective cooperative climate between Cameroon and its donors.”