
Willis Oluoch-Kosura

Willis Oluoch-Kosura is a Kenyan born on December 20, 1952. He is Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Nairobi and the Program Director, Collaborative in Agricultural and Applied Economics in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (CMAAE). He obtained his Ph.D in Agricultural Economics from Cornell University, Ithaca in 1983, M.Sc in Agricultural Economics from the Australian National University in 1978 and B.Sc in Agriculture from the University of Nairobi in 1976. His interest is in the area of Agricultural Development Policy, focusing on issues of Rural Factor and Product Markets, Poverty Dynamics, Technology Generation and Adoption, Institutions and Project Planning and Management. He has over 60 publications to his credit and has supervised many Ph.D and M.Sc theses.  He has been consultant to Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya, FAO, World Bank, CTA, UNCRD and several other National and International Organizations and Networks. He is the founding President of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) (2004-2007) and was member at large in the Executive Committee of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) (2003-2007). Through these associations, he has built considerable social capital to facilitate further collaboration on teaching, research and outreach with professional colleagues for the benefit of the CMAAE, AERC, African Universities and the continent’s development.

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